India's economy in a period of global change.

Бизнес 16+

Topic of speech:

India’s economy in a period of global change.

Date of the event:

May 19 at 15:00 Moscow time


The questions that we will discuss:

1 How India is leading the fight against the pandemic

2 Economic situation in the country

3 What changes have taken place in the business

5 How people’s lives change

6 How the international and domestic market is changing. Key partnership

7 Which areas have started to grow

The duration of the online broadcast is 1 hour


Presentation in the format of a live discussion with a moderator.


Jungbir Singh is the Director of Çelebi Aviation India. They are the largest Aviation Logistics  company in  India. They also operate  the only  Air Cargo Terminal in Delhi and own the Aerobridges in the two of Indias  largest Airports. They have a staff strength upwards of 6000 people who work 24/7. 365 days of the year.
Jungbir Singh is Commerce graduate of the University of Delhi and an MBA from Loyola University of Chicago, USA.
He is a commentator on issues connected with Aviation  , Industry and Economic development besides  public policy.He is also Vice President  of Foundation for Policy and Governance.



1444 дня назад
19 мая 2020, начало в 15:00

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